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How to live peacefully?

 These days PEACE is the only desire of humans. It is the only thing we are fighting for. Have we  ever thought that what we are really doing? If we see the world it is hard to differentiate between that what we are? Are we survivor or warriors? And this is due to the mental insecurity and complex of human beings which leads to crime, killing and even wars. We talk about peace on big scale but never thought about inner peace. Why we are becoming animals and get hyper and envy other? That is because day by day we are losing our tolerance and inner stability. We can’t just let go of little things and try to solve bigger problems first which at the end leaves us with only regrets. 
As well said

   “All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.” ~Have-lock Ellis

You might feel distress right now but we all need some little changes in our life to have peaceful mind and heart.

Here are some tips to live a happy peaceful life:

1.       PRAYING

Nothing can be better than praying. Every person is related to religion in any way. Praying is the best solution to sort out your mind.

There are times in your life (even mine) when you find no other way and feel like there is no way out of that difficult situation. You cannot sleep and head feels like it is going to explode and it directly affect your surroundings. You will fight with the people around you and find flaw in everything which can lead to misconception and tension. The best we to solve is to start cleaning your soul first and to this you should fully trust God and pray. It will not only relax you but you will feel happier.

2.       IGNORE

An argument is the biggest cause of stress and destroys harmony among oneself and others. So it is better to ignore an argument and you should try to think from others perceptive and try to avoid such situations which can disturb you and others.
A smile is the simple solution to that.

3.       Stay humble

See everyone in a humble way. Life is not only hard for you it is hard for others. You should always remember that everyone have their dark side
              So you should put your ego down and take life lightly. It is said that even if you smile fake       you will eventually feel really happy so do this exercise much often and also make others happier. This will help you to forget your bad experience and will make you to look forward in life beautifully.

4.       Be optimistic but realistic.

Reality sometime is cruel we should not be that much optimistic that we cannot see the facts that can later makes us face difficult situations
there are going to be moments in your life when you think if a go a bit more farther I could be happy without noticing its negative impact . You should stop walking when your legs hurt if you walk more maybe you have to go to the hospital. To live peacefully we should be proactive yet realistic, it is the easiest way to see your mistakes and accept it on right time.


EXPECTING is the biggest problem of mankind. No matter who we are we expect something from one another and most importantly ourselves. To have a peaceful mind you should no expect because these expectation leads to regrets like if I could study aboard I could have got a better job
Don’t distress yourself like that find good things around and thanks God for whatever HE has granted you.

If you follow these basic tips you can have happy and sound life
You just need to replace ‘but’ with’ and’. Find good things in life start with your life and you will see the difference in the world too.



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