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11 Lazy Pakistani's Ways to Lifestyle Change to Zero Waste Lifestyle


When it comes to waste management, Pakistan is lagging. Pakistan only produces 54,888 tonnes of solid trash each day in metropolitan areas. the country is slowing saying no to the plastic as grocery stores are now only allowing cloth bags but this is only limited to that. Since there are no laws or regulations governing garbage disposal, it's common to see people dumping trash anywhere. People will litter, whether it's on the streets, on freeways, or in mountainous areas. It's not that society isn't aware; it's simply that there aren't any rigorous regulations, penalties, or even waste management systems.

With a population of more than 160 million, Pakistan is experiencing environmental concerns due to inadequate infrastructure. Households, businesses, institutions, building and demolition sites, industrial regions, and agricultural disposal facilities are all sources of garbage in Pakistan.

The most recent flooding in Pakistan is an obvious result of climate change. Climate Change is our largest problem, adopting a zero-waste lifestyle is perhaps one of the most essential things we can all do to lessen our impact on the environment. The goal of zero waste is to reduce waste and excessive consumption. It means putting an end to the making and use of single-use items that generate trash. Utilizing the waste hierarchy is essential since the majority of environmental harm occurs throughout the extraction and production process.

Zero waste lifestyle revolves around the 5s which are recycling, minimizing waste, reducing consumption, and ensuring that products can be reused, repaired, or recycled.

According to Dr. Paul Connett, “ If we cannot reuse it, if we cannot recycle it, if we cannot compost it, we simply shouldn’t be making it.”

Here are some easy ideas that every Pakistani can follow to reduce waste:

It all starts with the change so Start making small changes in your lifestyle

Preventing waste from being produced in the first place is the priority  We must get started right away if we want to get to a zero waste lifestyle. We need a specific goal if we are to attain zero waste. To set a deadline and a target aim of zero waste, not just local and federal governments must cooperate but also people should be self-conscious of the waste they produce. As charity begins from home we must start acting right now!

  • Utilize as much water as you can like taking less time showering, closing the tap when you are rinsing the dishes, or washing your teeth.




    •  Sort your garbage at home, and then sell the recyclable materials like plastic, paper, glass, and metal to scrap yards.





    • Buy meat and dairy from local venders. Avoid tetra packaging.





    ·       Use home utensils while going to tandoor or any other food takeout



    ·       Embrace a minimalist lifestyle.



    ·       shop with a cloth bag you already own



    •        Swap to refillable cleaning products

    •         Being a digital age, stop buying newspapers

    •         switch away from plastic to bamboo or ceramic or clay pots/crockery

    •          Try out reusable nappies instead of pampers

    we all can start by doing little effort and changing our buying pattern.


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