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APS Attack: The Anniversary Of The Darkest Day In Pakistan's History



The darkest day in Pakistan's history occurred precisely eight years ago today. We honor the victims of the horrible terrorist attacks that occurred in Peshawar on this day. We support the surviving family members of those who perished.

When terrorists attacked the Army Public School (APS) in Peshawar on December 16, 2014, Pakistan was struck by a devastating and horrifying day that would go down in history as the most traumatic day in our country. The day began like any other winter day would have, but it ended tragically for hundreds of parents, shocking the whole country and the entire world. People were fervently praying while glued to their television screens and sobbing. It is regarded as 9/11 in Pakistan since it was the greatest terrorist attack in its history.

Many still have vivid flashbacks of the terrorist attack on Pakistan's Army Public School (APS) in Peshawar. 134 children were among the almost 150 victims of the catastrophe. 

memorial for the 144 children and adults of Army Public School Peshawar who died on December 16, 2014.

It has been eight years since the horrific terrorist attack on the Army Public School. But, the memory of that dark day is still fresh in the minds of those who survived it. For many of them, life will never be the same again. The pain of losing a child, a brother, or a sister is still raw. But the victims' families have found strength in each other, and are determined to honor their loved ones by working to make Pakistan a safer place for all.

All over Pakistan, people pay tribute to our martyrs on this black day. Every school, college university, and media channel across the nation pays tribute to the martyrs and shows support to the families and survivors. Black day is observed throughout the country. The nation cannot forget this as,

                                                           tribute song by ispr

The survivors of the attack still remember their teachers and friends and some often relapse of the attack. 

Ahmad Nawaz: the story of APS tragedy survivor

What went down that day?

The school was attacked by many shooters carrying suicide vests on a chilly winter day. More than 1,000 staff members and kids attended the Army Public School at the time of the tragedy, many of them were children of military members. The attackers launched their attack in the middle of the morning after climbing a wall to gain entrance to the sizable facility. Some accounts claim that they exploded their car to divert the attention of school security. They started shooting randomly as soon as they entered the main assembly hall, where a huge number of students were having a first aid session.

The terrorists, who were carrying automatic weapons and explosives, entered the classrooms and targeted the teachers and students with their fire. they opened fire on kids and teachers to solely kill; they did not attempt to capture hostages. In the incident, several of the victims were burnt alive. During the fight, the terrorists were killed, and some of the soldiers were hurt by vest shrapnel.  the onslaught lasted for roughly eight hours.

According to the Pakistani Taliban, the massacre was carried out as retaliation for the army's onslaught against their sanctuaries in the tribal areas.

 People throughout the world denounced the APS assault. Nawaz Sharif, the prime minister of Pakistan at the time, referred to it as a "national tragedy" and promised to keep combating terrorism. The Pakistani government has taken some steps to improve security in the wake of the attack, but there is still much more to be done. The fight against terrorism is a long and difficult one, but it must be fought if Pakistan is ever truly safe.

Following the incident, Operation Zarb-e-Azb was started. The Pakistani army ramped up its operations against terrorist organizations and began a widespread campaign against terrorism. The Pakistani Army is still dedicated to doing all in its power to stop more needless violence.

This was the day when the Pakistani army won and the terrorists lost!

It is a day that we will never forget!

We will always remember our heroes 


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