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What would one feel to be confined and prisoned in their homes not just one day but for the last 75 years? How would one feel to be treated like criminals, dragged from their homes, with schools closed, and never-ending curfews in their own country? Kashmiris go through that every day. Indian forced occupation and their barbaric attitude towards the Kashmiris are not hidden from the world. we can see it but can never be able to understand 1 percent of what they go through in their daily life. Today is a black day in Kashmir. and today is also Indian independence day.

How they are connected?

The purpose of declaring August 15th, India's Independence Day, a "Black Day" is to demonstrate anger toward the tyranny of the Hindutva movement for occupying the majority of Kashmir forcibly and illegally for the past 75 years.

Why its called black day?

The people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir, who have been battling for 75 years to be freed from India's oppressive control, have been subjected to some of history's darkest crimes and state terrorism by India. In addition to drawing attention to India's ongoing worst reign of state terrorism, which keeps the people of the occupied Jammu and Kashmir state under siege at the point of gunpoint by more than two million of her military and paramilitary troops, Kashmiris mark every national holiday, including the independence day, as a black day every year.

What's going on right now?

Kashmiris are fighting for freedom since day 1.They have been murdered, abducted, and tortured. India justifies its occupation by considering Kashmiris terrorists. but in fact, India has been following anti-Muslim rhetoric and showing a clear example of ethnic cleansing. The people of Kashmir reject Indian occupation and merely want the exercise of their internationally recognized right to self-determination. India's illegitimate occupation of IIOJK by its people has never been acknowledged by them.

How they are doing it?

India has been attempting to replicate the settler colonialism practiced by Israel in IIOJK. Over 4.2 million Hindus have received bogus addresses from Indian occupation authorities since August 5, 2019, to alter the demography of Occupied Kashmir. the blatant violation of pertinent UN Security Council resolutions, international law, and the 4th Geneva Convention, India has been attempting to alter the structure of the population of the occupied region.


Even though IIOJK is a disputed area, India is considering or intending to conduct the G20 conference there despite the several UNSC resolutions on the subject. India is attempting to get world recognition for a despotic, illegal occupation that has been in place for more than 70 years by putting out such a divisive idea. The UNSC Resolution from 1948 requires a referendum in the disputed region, hence India's proposal to host the G20 conference there is illegal.

India: the human rights violator

International human rights organizations have claimed for years that Indian forces employ torture, physical and sexual assault, and arbitrary detentions to frighten and control the IIOJK people. Torture, hostage-taking, rape, waterboarding, electric shocks to the genitalia, burns, and sleep deprivation are only a few of the abuses that have been revealed since 1989.

The Kashmir Valley had widespread protests after July 8, 2016, and 105 people were murdered, according to the Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS), a group with offices in Srinagar. According to the report, deaths were brought on by shootings by unidentified shooters, drowning, breathing chemical shell fumes, and injuries from pellet shotguns, bullets, and tear gas shells.

The National Human Rights Commission registered 143 deaths in police custody and 104 alleged extrajudicial killings in IIOJK in the first nine months of 2021. Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated in its World Report 2022:

"Allegations of torture and extrajudicial executions persisted."

The National Human Rights Commission recorded 62 suspected extrajudicial executions, 1,338 deaths in judicial detention, and 77 fatalities in police custody for the first 10 months, from January to October 2021. even WikiLeaks verified that torture is widely practiced against people and is pervasive throughout the state of IIOJK. the use of rollers, electric shocks, sexual abuse, beatings, suspension from ceilings, crushing of muscles, and other techniques and types of physical assault are among the different forms of torture listed by WikiLeaks.

The fascist Indian government's unlawful activities on August 5, 2019, provided more evidence that India is military power. The current administration is frantically attempting to equate the continuing Kashmiri liberation fight with global terrorism.  the Burhan Wani-inspired pent-up rage of Kashmiri youth may eventually cause the Indian state to disintegrate. The martyrdom of Burhan Wani and Riaz Naikoo is evidence of the rebirth of new uprisings in Kashmir, which is being led by Kashmiri youth who are creating history by continuing the legacy of their forefathers by waging an unyielding struggle against the fascist occupation rule in IIOJK.

IIOJK exposes India's claim to be the largest democracy in the world, but Kashmiris' celebration of Black Day continues to serve as a reminder to the rest of the world that India is an intruder.

What is the biggest question?

How could India be celebrating its freedom while denying it to the people of Kashmir?

The whole world has to answer that.








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